Odisha Budget 2022-23: Detailed Demands - ...

URL: https://openbudgetsindia.org/dataset/91546e39-cd56-4d8f-a2c0-35019eb51916/resource/5d991f0e-4ef4-41c9-83e2-ae76e0366b1a/download/detailed-demands---department-of-social-security--empowerment-of-persons-with-disability.pdf

Odisha Budget 2022-23: Detailed Demands - Department of Social Security & Empowerment of Persons with Disability

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Last updated July 11, 2022
Created July 11, 2022
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createdover 2 years ago
has views1
last modifiedover 2 years ago
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owner orgodisha-budget-2022-23
package id91546e39-cd56-4d8f-a2c0-35019eb51916
revision ida22a924c-5e23-455b-948d-9d24785e2c02
url typeupload