Tiruchirappalli Municipal Corporation Budget

Tiruchirappalli Municipal Corporation budget documents show the details of receipts and expenditures of the local body

About the Budget

""IHSDP-Integrated Housing and Slum Development Programme""


  • IPPV-Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation , ORS-Operation Room , PFA-Prevention of Food Adulteration , RTI-Right to Information , GIS-Group Insurance Scheme , HT-High Tension , HUDCO-Housing and Urban Development Corporation Ltd , TNUDF-TamilNadu Urban Development Fund , TUFIDCO-TamilNadu Urban Finance and Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd , TWAD-TamilNadu Water Supply and Drainage Board , BSUP-Basic Services to Urban Poor , IUDM-Integrated Urban Development Mission , JNNURM-Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission , KFW-Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (Reconstruction Credit Institute) , MLA-Member of Legislative Assembly , MOFPI-Ministry of Food Processing Industries , MP-Member of Parliament , NUHM-National Urban Health Mission , NULM-National Urban Livelihoods Mission , O & M-Operations and Maintenance , STEP-UP-Skill Training for Employment Promotion among Urban Poor , TNPCB-TamilNadu Pollution Control Board , TURIP-TamilNadu Urban Road Infrastructure Project , UCDN-Urban Community Development Network , UWSP-Urban Women Self Help Program , BSUP-Basic Services to Urban Poor , LAD-Local Area Development , TNUDP-TamilNadu Urban Development Fund Project , TURIF-TamilNadu Urban Road Infrastructure Fund , UWSP-Urban Women Self Help Program , SJSRY-Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana , TCS-Thrift and Credit Society Udaipur Municipal Corporation Budget,Budget of Udaipur Municipal Corporation provides details of receipts and expenditures of the local body.,B.O.T.-Build-Operate-Transfer

Additional Info

Field Value
Keywords "Tiruchirappalli" , "Trichy" , "Revenue" , "Capital" , "Expenditure" , "Receipts" , "Property Tax" , "Other Income" , "Amma Unavagam" , "Service Charges" , "Water Supply & Drainage" , "Road Works" , "Mines and Quarries" , "Street Lights" , "Elementary Education" , "KFW Project" , "NUHM" , "Orphaned Corpses" , "TUFIDCO" , "Prevention of Malaria and Filaria" , "Program Expenses" , "AMRUT" , "Storm Water Drain" , "Swatchh Bharat", "TURIP" , "Cost of Medicine" , "TNUDF" , "Basic Services to Urban Poor" , "Repair & Maintenance" , "License Fee" , "Grants" , "SJSRY"
Source ""CM-Chief Minister""
Unit ""BPL-Below Poverty Line""