Rajkot Municipal Corporation Budget

Budget of Rajkot Municipal Corporation provides department wise budget-code and account-code wise details of different types of receipts, both revenue and capital. It also provides details of expenditure, revenue and capital.

About the Budget

  1. The Budget Document of Rajkot Municipal Corporation is presented in Gujarati Language. Here we have presented the translated version (into English).
  2. Rajkot Municipal Corporation Budget is presented with department wise budget codes and the outlay/expenditure/receipt are shown with account codes. Under each department, budget codes have four digits and the account codes have five digits.
  3. The figures are given in Rs. Lakhs.
  4. The Annual budget is proposed by the Municipal Commissioner and the Standing Committee makes amendments and the final budget is approved by the Municipal Corporation's General Body. So it is the Standing Committee's approved budget that is passed (approved) by the General Body (Majority Rules). Here the approved budget is presented as Budget Estimates for 2016-17.
  5. There is variation in grand total of Revenue Expenditure, indicated in the sheet of Revenue Expenditure.


  • EDP-Electronic Data Processing
  • ESR/GSR- Elevated Storage Reservoir/Ground Storage Reservoir
  • UDP-Urban Development Plan
  • UID-Unique Identification
  • AMRUT-Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation
  • RTI-Right To Information
  • MLA-Member of Legislative Assembly
  • LoP-Leader of Opposition
  • JNNURM-Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
  • SCADA-Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
  • GIS-Geographic Information System
  • BRTS-Bus Rapid Transit System
  • DR Site-Disaster Recovery Site
  • LTC-Leave Travel Concession
  • UEVRP-Urban Earthquake Vulnerability Reduction Project
  • ERC-Emergency Response Centre
  • DPR-Detail Project Report
  • NABH -National Accreditation Board for Hospitals
  • UBS -Urban Basic Services
  • SPIC MACAY - Society for the Promotion of Indian Classical Music And Culture Amongst Youth
  • IEEC - International Education Exchange Council
  • IEC-Information, Education and Communication
  • ICDS- Integrated Child Development Services
  • TP -Town Planning
  • GUDM-Gujarat Urban Development Mission
  • MPLAD-Members of Parliament Local Area Development
  • BSUP -Basic Services for Urban Poor
  • NULM-National Urban Livelihoods Mission
  • SAG-Senior Advisory Group
  • MIG-Middle Income Group
  • ANCD-Animal Nuisance Control Department
  • FSI-Floor Space Index
  • NULM-National Urban Livelihoods Mission
  • GOG-Government of Gujarat
  • GSDMA-Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority

Additional Info

Field Value
Keywords "Rajkot", "Receipt", "Expenditure", "Revenue", "Capital", "Tax Collection Branch", "Health Branch", "Housing Branch", "Solid Waste Management", "Finance Branch", "Grant and Assistance", "Sale of Property", "General Administration Department", "Loan Charges", "Vigilance Branch", "Town Planning ", "Filter Plant", "Water Works Department", "Urban Malaria", "Clinics", "Drainage Branch", "Public Education", "ICDS", "Workshop Branch", "Amrut Yojana", "Awas (Housing) Scheme", "Advances to Employees", "JNNURM", "Special Grants from State Government"
Source Rajkot Municipal Corporation Budget Documents starting from the Budget Document for the year 2014-15
Unit Figures are presented in units of Rs. Lakhs