Greater Visakhapatanam Municipal Corporation Budget

Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation budget documents provide function wise details of different sources of receipts. It also provides details on Revenue & Capital expenditure incurred for various services, including schemes of Central /State Govt. for poor and marginalised sections.

About the Budget

  1. In the budget document, detailed estimates are presented function wise. Within each function, all receipts and expenditure are shown. The sub group totals in the dataset are presented function wise. The amounts are in Rs. Lakhs.

  2. There is no opening and closing cash balance given for the 2012-13, 2013-14 and 2014-15 years (Actuals). So the summary presentation does not give the cash balance for these years.

  3. Deposits and Advances have been presented as part of Capital Receipts and Expenditure. This is how it is treated in the budget document.

  4. There are separate sections on 'Pro Poor' budget and 'Budget for SC/ST sections'. These disclosures have also been captured. These amounts are already included in the revenue/capital receipts, revenue/capital expenditure sections.

  5. There are many rounding off errors in the budget document. That is, the totals do not exactly tally with the sum of the figures in the budget document. However, these differences are minor. Where there are some significant errors, these have been discussed in the 'Reconciliation Sheet'.

  6. There are scores of acronyms in the municipal budget documents. We have done our best to interpret them. We could not find an explanation for a few of them.

  7. The data set has taken the 2015-16 budget presentation as the template. Where the descriptions of budget items were marginally different in the 2016-17 budget, the 2015-16 budget descriptions were retained. Where there were significant changes in the 2016-17 budget, the data set was altered to reflect the 2016-17 descriptions.
  8. The budget estimates of 2013-14 are from the 2014-15 budget document, the budget estimates for 2014-15 are from the 2015-16 budget document and the budget estimates for 2015-16 and 2016-17 are from the 2016-17 budget document.


  • Dept.-Department
  • IFR-International Fleet Review
  • SFC-State Finance Commission
  • UCD-Urban and Community Development
  • VPT-Visakhapatnam Port Trust
  • BSUP-Basic Service for Urban Poor
  • EESL-Energy Efficiency Services Company
  • Mpl-Municipal
  • PS-Penalisation Scheme
  • RCH-Reproductive and Child Health
  • SHG-Self Help Group
  • TV-Television
  • VIWSCO-Visakhapatnam Industrial Water Supply Company
  • VPH-Veterinary Public Health
  • ADB-Asian Development Bank
  • AMRUT-Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation
  • APDRP-Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme
  • APGLI-Andhra Pradesh Government Life Insurance Fund
  • APGSLI-Andhra Pradesh Group Saving Linked Insurance
  • APGST-Andhra Pradesh General Sales Tax
  • APSHCL-Andhra Pradesh State Housing Corporation Limited
  • CDP-City Development Plan
  • CM-Chief Minister
  • EPF-Employee Provident Fund
  • ESI-Employee State Insurance
  • GIS-Group Insurance Scheme
  • GPF-General Provident Fund
  • IT-Income Tax
  • LIC-Life Insurance Corporation
  • MEPMA-Mission for Elimination of Poverty in Municipal Areas
  • MPLADS-Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme
  • NAC-National Agricultural Credit
  • NOAP-National Old Age Pension
  • PF-Provident Fund
  • PPP-Public Private Partnership
  • SCSP-Schedules Caste Sub-Plan
  • TA-Travelling Allowance
  • TDS-Tax Deducted at Source
  • TSP-Tribal Sub Plan
  • VAT-Value Added Tax
  • VUDA-Visakhapatnam Urban Development Authority
  • APDRP-Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme
  • BRTS-Bus Rapid Transit System
  • BSUP-Basic Services To The Urban Poor
  • CDP-City Development Plan
  • NAC-National Agricultural Credit
  • PTC-Pendurthi Transit Corridor
  • SCADA-Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
  • STC-Simhachalam Transit Corridor
  • SW-Storm Water
  • AIDS-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
  • LAD-Local Area Development

Additional Info

Field Value
Keywords "Visakhapatnam", "Vizag" , "Revenue", "Capital", "Receipts", "Expenditure", "Solid Waste Management", "Property Tax", "Roads ", "Education", "Sewerage", "Street Lighting", "Water Supply"," Public Private Partnership (PPP)", "Public Health", "Planning Section", "Swatchh Bharat", "Own Programs", "Grants, Contribution", "Rajiv Awas Yojana", "General Administration", "Salaries, Wages and Bonus", "Capital Work-in-Progress", "Prevention of Epidemic", "Civic Amenities", "Pendurthi Transit Corridor (PTC)", "Visakhapatnam Urban Development Authority (VUDA)", "Special Funds", "Penalties & Fines", "AMRUT","Deposits & Advances","Tribal Sub Plan","JNNURM","Basic Services for Urban Poor (BSUP)"
Source Greater Visakhapatanam Municipal Corporation Budget Documents starting from the Budget Document for the year 2014-15
Unit Figures are presented in units of Rs. Lakhs