Union Budget (2023-24) - Department of Social ...

URL: https://openbudgetsindia.org/dataset/07ab5e22-e8e8-426f-a7f2-4c9f9ddbd097/resource/9a47187a-0a5e-408c-a9a0-a8b320284304/download/department-of-social-justice-and-empowerment-2023-24.pdf

Total Union Budget Allocation for Department of Social Justice and Empowerment under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.It records the budgetary allocations for various programmes/schemes for the welfare of Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribe e.g. Pre-matric and Post-matric Scholarships, Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship, Self-Employment Scheme for Rehabilitation of Scavengers etc. It also captures allocation for Special Central Assistance to Schedule Caste Sub-Plan.

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Last updated September 19, 2023
Created February 8, 2023
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package id07ab5e22-e8e8-426f-a7f2-4c9f9ddbd097
revision idcc85dfa5-9d57-4f86-b575-adec5d64d914
url typeupload